Deferred transfer (72 hours)

Written by S-Group
Updated 2 years ago

The sender in the "Finance" section selects the type of transfer - Deferred. Indicates the recipient's login, and the amount of the transfer and, if desired, attaches a note indicating the obligations the recipient must fulfill.⠀

The recipient receives a notification in a telegram bot or by mail, if the bot is not connected, that a deferred transfer has been sent to him for the specified amount with a note. The recipient can also find out the obligations that need to be fulfilled outside the system by contacting in advance in the messenger.⠀

After the recipient fulfills the agreements, the sender confirms the fulfillment in his account and the money is transferred to the investor.⠀

⏹The funds are stored in the system for up to 72 hours and then returned to the sender. If the obligations on the part of the recipient have been fulfilled, but the sender has not confirmed the transfer, it is urgent to contact support until the money is returned to the sender's account.

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