❕ Details on S-Crypto Liquidity Mining direction

Written by S-Group
Updated 1 year ago

Dear investors and partners, we are happy to announce the news about S-Crypto Liquidity Mining and share the details of the direction.

🫥 S-Crypto Liquidity Mining is the next stage of development of Liquidity Mining SWP direction, which provides new opportunities for earning on cryptocurrencies and affiliate programs to all partners of S-Group.

Within the framework of S-Crypto Liquidity Mining, the earnings by providing liquidity will take place in the SWP/STD currency pair in the proportion of 50/50%. As part of the next stages of development of the direction will be added currency pairs with stablecoins and the most popular cryptocurrencies. 

Format and terms of investment in S-Crypto Liquidity Mining ⤵️

➡️ Currency pair: SWP/STD
➡️ Term of deposit creation: 1 year
➡️ Yield: floating, ~APY 100% (annual percentage rate) 
➡️ Minimum deposit: from 100 SWCT in the proportion of 50% SWP to 50% STD
➡️ Income accrual: STD token

Fee and return distribution between the company and the investor ⤵️

➡️ When creating an investment, a 2.5% commission will be charged on the size of the deposit
➡️ When completing a deposit - a 2.5% commission on the deposit amount
➡️ Distribution of return from the deposit in the direction of 80% to 20% towards the investor. 

💥 Direction S-Crypto Liquidity Mining is a new opportunity with which every partner can invest in the popular crypto direction and develop the team to reach new heights.

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